Ross Kagawa

Is there anything about your background or how you identify that you would like to share?

Taught for 23 years for the State Department of Education including 18 years at Kapaa High School, I’m 4th generation Kauai resident graduating from Waimea High School in 1984. I’m married for 32 years and have 2 daughters and 3 granddaughters all of whom live here on Kauai.

Please share one example of an initiative or contribution you have made to improve our community.

I have coached youth baseball, soccer, and basketball and have served on numerous volunteer boards.

Who is the most influential female figure in your life who is not in your family, and why?

My wife Cathy because she is the best wife of all.

What is your vision for Kauaʻi?

Keeping Kauai the best island in the state.

What will be your top three policy priorities if you are elected to Kauaʻi County Council?

Affordable and workforce housing. Solid Waste including Landfill, and infrastructure improvements.

According to the Health Resources and Services Administration, Hawaiʻi is designated as a Health Professional Shortage Area. Only 14.2% of the Mental Health Care need has been met as of September 2021 (HRSA, 2021).

What concrete steps will you take to ensure the mental health of our community is addressed? What can the County do to ensure individuals seeking substance abuse treatment are able to access the care they need?

We can work with our state and private nonprofits to improve funding and services.

Kauaʻi and other rural areas have elevated rates of youth suicide. 16.6% of our high school students report having attempted suicide. The risk is significantly higher for LGBT teens on Kauaʻi, with 46.9% reporting suicidal thoughts (YRBS, 2021).

A key factor in youth suicide prevention is making sure that every kid has a positive relationship with a caring adult in their life. After-school programs and activities are key strategies to tackling this youth mental health crisis; however, we don’t have nearly enough after-school programs on Kauaʻi to meet the need and few safe spaces where our kids can go.

What can the County do to support the increase of after-school programs, community activities, and safe spaces for our youth?

Work with Federal, State, and local nonprofits to improve funding and services to address these problems.

In 2023, there were 488 unhoused people on Kauaʻi, many of whom (27%) are houseless families (PIT, 2023).

What action will you take to address Kauaʻi’s housing crisis for families? 

Work with our Federal, State, and local nonprofits to increase funding and services to address the problems.We’ve talked about housing, childcare, and healthcare as separate topics. If we take a wider view, we can see these issues as interrelated and disproportionately impacting women and girls in our community.

How would you use your role as a community leader to address the impact of systemic injustices so women and keiki can have equal opportunities to live to their fullest potential?

I will continue to fight for women on Kauai and Niihau as I have always done.. My Family are all women my wife, daughters, and granddaughters. There is nothing more important to me than them.

What are your pronouns?


Town of Residence



Kauai County Council Councilmember